The compound Interest

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I did well in maths, infact it was among my best scoring subjects back in high school. One thing that never really stood out for me, however, was how we would end up using these concepts in day to day life. I’m sure it has crossed your mind at some point as well.

Things like simultaneous equations, matrices, and the likes. Why did they have to waste our youthful energy on that BS* Anyway, my recent and unforced venture into books on habit formation have underscored the power of little but consistent and cumulative efforts. Haba na haba hujaza kibaba the Swahili man said.

In my experience, I have come to acknowledge the significance of showing up everyday and putting in whatever little you can. Sports, fitness, work, business, dieting… Whatever it is, its only by getting started clueless and probably uncertain that we actually appreciate how much one learns on the job.


In my experience, you are never fully ready to start anything meaningful or demanding, because of the sweet *Comfort zone and when you wait to get perfectly ready, then often the moment passes.

I’m I right or what?

Interestingly, getting started and learning on the go hasn’t always been easier or fun but it always somehow leads to significant improvement than waiting for the perfect moment… Maybe it’s just me!

If you went to the gym today, and came back and looked at yourself in the mirror, you’d probably see no change. And so would be the case the following day, and the day after… But, if you keep going to the gym, and training consistently for two or three months, you will definitely see some changes.

While visible on the third month, it remains prudent to acknowledge that the change did not happen on that 90th day! Right?? Rather it has been gradually happening since the beginning of the journey. Therefore, the effort today, or on your first day is not lost,it’s never lost… If you keep going.

It’s the compounding power!

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